"Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies." — Prov. 31:10

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Finding Peace

I don't know about you, but some days are worse than others.

I've been doing really well lately with staying calm and peaceful. I'm not getting upset, or frustrated. Not getting angry with the kids, not stressing out if something is left out on the counter. I just stay calm and cool and filled with the peace of God.

Today isn't one of those days. And I just don't know why. Little things are getting to me. I'm feeling more and more like my old self. I feel like the woman I was who was always angry, always yelling, always nagging and picking. I'm getting upset when the kids interrupt me.

And I just don't know why.

But, I'm praising God anyway! He is good. Always good! I pray His blessings and His peace on me as I find my way through this new life I have embarked upon.

I'm certainly going to need His help!! ;)

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